Thursday, July 5, 2012

Brag Project

from blog globe university
This post is going to be discussing my Brag Project; which is a future community service project. The title of this organization will be called "Save Our Youth". The program will be centred around middle school students. This is because when a student reaches middle school they start to found themselves emotionally and socially. The program will be centred around helping a teenager that are in the middle school stages become more comfortable with themselves. This is because in middle school you can get exposed to many things and fall with in the wrong crowd. So there will be a center in a community where middle school teens can go and get advice about things that are going in at home, school, and their community. This program can also help students in school that are struggling in class or just need that extra help.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I think maybe you could narrow the organization so that it's more focused and more productive. For example, maybe it would be just for middle schoolers who want to mentor each other. You're really good at giving advice, so maybe you could show them how to give advice and mediate conflicts.
